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cAcB cCcD cEcF cGcH cIcJ cKcL cMcN cOcP cQcR cScT cUcV cWcX cYcZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
g GLOMORE +star & circle 11
g GOOLEL +circle 35, 38
g GRANNUAL +circle 25
g GREADNES shirts +circle 25
g GROFED for purity +circle 29
g GROTECH +circle & star 9
g GSL +circle 25
g GUNAPLY +circle 20
g KISAN +circle 11
g MONISA +circle 17
g SAHELI tm +globe & circle 30
g aquagold +triangle circle 11
g-1 +circle 3
g.s.n. GOLD +man & circle 17
g2 +circle 41, 42
circle 41
circle 30
gate & circle 38
gazelle fashion +circle 25
ge +circle 12
gem +circle 9
general electric GE +circle 2, 11
genuine DELTA +circle 12
genuine KU spares +circle 6, 11, 12
genuine RAJAJ +circle 12
gf GRACE FAB +circle 24
gh UNIQUE tea +circle plant 30
gi +circle & drops 12
girl & circle 8, 16, 21, 25, 29, 30, 32
gj GUPTA jewellers +circle 14
gk printers +circle 40
gkw CHAMPION +circle 9
gl GOLDLION +circle 14
global +circle & lines 31
global AGRI SYSTEM +circle 39
global INFLUENCE +circle 27
global shine +star & circle 3
globe circle & arrows 36
globe & circle 9, 16, 35, 37, 42
globe triangle circle squar 42
globe triangle & circle 41
gm MEER garments +circle 25
gmt DIAMOND +circle 7
goa +circle trees & stars 14
goa +birds trees & circle 1
goa +stars circle trees bir 23
goa +tree & circle 34
goa +trees circle & stars 20, 21, 22
goa +trees & circle 18, 32, 42
goa +trees birds & circle 2, 8, 10, 15
circle 31
goa GT&T +circle 40
goa GT&T +trees & circle 38, 39, 41
goa GUTKHA +man & circle 34
goa gutkha +man circle star 34
goa khaini +circle & trees 34
goat in circle 5
god & circle 5, 25, 41
god cogwheel & circle 7
god goddess & circle 9, 16
god goddesses & circle 24
goddess & circle 30
goddess lion & circle 39
godess flag & circle 30
gold BRIDGE +circle 25
gold PLAZA +circle & oval 14
gold line +circle 22
golden +bird & circle 30
golden RAJMOTI +circle 29
golden VIMHANA +circle 30
golo POLO +circle 30
gopi brand +god & circle 29
gp GENERAL PUMPS +circle 7
gp GOPIKA PRINTS +circle 24
gp MOD RUB +leaf & circle 5
circle 39
green DOT +circle 9
circle 12
grupo GALILEO +circle 6
grupo GALILEO +circle ovals 7
gs +circle & oval 9
circle 24
gs-HYDRO +circle & arrow 6
gt GAROTEK +circle 7
gtx +circle 9
gulf CAROSSERIE +circle 4
gun & circle 30
gun men +cross & circle 5
gurukula +lamp & circle 41
guy LAROCHE GL +circle 25
gy +circle 9, 14, 18, 25
h +circle 1, 7, 9, 12, 30, 37, 40, 42
h +circle & arrows 25
h +circle & square 5
h H.D. silk mills +circle 24
h HABILE investment +circle 36
h HARDIK sarees +circle 24
h HARLEY +circle 12
h HARSIDHI +crown & circle 30, 31
h HAUSER +circle & arrow 7
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